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 ZCS Server Setup & Config's

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ZCS Server Setup & Config's Empty
PostSubject: ZCS Server Setup & Config's   ZCS Server Setup & Config's EmptySat Aug 01, 2009 12:36 pm

Zenar's chat server is as customizable as RSWCS & WCS and is a lot more stable than FXS,
It doesn't have a GUI panel [graphical user interface] like the others, it has a small cmd box as it opens, all your editing is done direct in the configs,
i must admit, having separate files for logins, replaces/blocks and fancy entry/exit makes it easy, if your editing one part and make a mistake, you don't ruin the whole config, i like it.
sadly Zenar is taking a long break to pursue other activities,

This is currently Zenar's most stable version of ZCS, its the one i use now, ZCS v1.04.3
ZCS Server Setup & Config's Download

this is the last betta version with an added feature, Relay command [similar to custom command of RSWCS & WCS] v1.05.1 RC1 [release candidate]

ZCS Server Setup & Config's Download

Please Note to run ZCS you will need .Net Framework, it's Available Here

Here is the config showing its explanations. under that is the contence of the include foler
Quote :
ChannelName=Test ZCS
ChannelName2=ZCS Test

Topic=We are testing ZCS!
Topic2=We are testing ZCS!

//The port number you want to use

//Feature not done yet...

//You can put here your default peer cache you want to connect on
//It can be an IP or an hostname

//If offline = 1, your room will not show

//The number of peers you want to connect on (2 min / 8 max)
//More the number of peers is high, more it will take bandwidth
//Reboot of ZCS is required

//The limit of users (5 min / 300 max)

//The number of same IPs you are allowing in your room (1 min / 5 max)

//Messages allowed per second before to be considered as a flood

//Set 1 if you want to use a room password

//Set here the message you want to show to the users if the room is locked
LockMessage=This channel is password protected. Please, type the password to enter.

//The password needed to enter the channel

//You can set the interval of the keepalive (Advanced user only)
//60 = 60 seconds = 1 minute

//You can split your config by using Include=[File Name]
//All include files are into the include folder.

//---> These variables will work on the MotD, the texts formats, etc... <---

// %TEXT% = The texts without colors and color codes
// %COLTEXT% = The texts with colors
// %RAWTEXT% = The texts without colors but color codes

// %NAME% = The username without colors and color codes
// %COLNAME% = The username with colors
// %RAWNAME% = The rawname without color codes
// %COLRAWNAME% = The rawname without colors but color codes

// %LINE% = The line of the user (DSL, Cable, ...)
// %FILES% = The number of files shared by the user
// %PRIMIP% = The IP of the primary peer you are connected to
// %PRIMUDPPORT% = The Port of the primary peer the user is connected on
// %IP% = The IP of the user
// %HOSTNAME% = The hostname of the user
// %ROOMUPTIME% = The room uptime
// %CLIENTNAME% = The client name of the user
// %CLIENTVERSION% = The version of that client
// %ACCESS% = The access of the user (acv...)
// %CONNECTION% = The connection of the user (Secondary, Primary, ...)
// %NODE% = The IP and Port of the peer the user is connected on (IP:Port)
// %TOTALMSG% = The number of messages sent by the user
// %FORMAT% = The format of message of the user
// %ROOMNAME% = The roomname used by the user to enter the room
// %STAYTIME% = The staytime of the user
// %IDLETIME% = The idle time of the user

// Here are the access used by ZCS

// + = Show +
// @ = Show @
// ! = Protected user
// * = Can use any letter
// # = Can see logins
// ? = See all console messages

// 0 =
// 1 =
// 2 =
// 3 =
// 4 =
// 5 =
// 6 =
// 7 =
// 8 =
// 9 =

// a = Can use /Me (/Action)
// A = Can use /Admsg (//)
// b = Enable or Disable bot mode
// B = Can Ban
// c = Can use colour codes
// C = Can use CAPS
// d =
// D =
// e = Can see exit message
// E = Can see client message
// f = Can flood
// F = Can use /Forcelogin
// g =
// G =
// h = Can use /Hide or /Hide
// H = Can use /Hidecmd
// i = Can see renames
// I = Can see IPs
// j =
// J =
// k = Can kick (Can't kick @ or ! or *)
// K = Can kick all but !
// l = Can use /Listbans
// L = Can set a limit
// m = Can use /Mute (/unvoice) and /voice (/unmute) [Can't mute * and !]
// M = Can use /Message
// n = Can use /Notice
// n = Can use /GNotice
// N = Can use newlines
// o = Can use /Online /Offline to show or hide the room
// O = Can use /Opmsg (/ )
// p =
// P =
// q = Can use /Setcolour to set own text colour
// Q = Can use /Setformat to set an user text format
// r = Can use /Reload to load the config
// R = Can use /Redirect to redirect the entire channel
// s = Can use /Stats to see user stats
// S = Can use /Stats to see channel stats
// t = Can change topi
// T =
// u =
// U = Can /Unban
// v = Has a voice (can talk)
// V =
// w = Can see commands made by other users
// W = Can use /Who to see infos about all users
// x = Can exile users
// X =
// y = Can use /Say
// Y = Can use /SayAll
// z =
// Z =
The Include folder contains the other info like logins, fancy entry etc:

the logins addon
Quote :
//---> Usage of Access: <---
// Access=[Name]=[Access]


//---> Usage of FormatMsg: <---
// FormatMsg=[Name]=[Format]

FormatMsg=Blue=#c66#»#c52#×#c66#« %COLNAME% #c66#»#c52#×#c66#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Green=#c68#»#c54#×#c68#« %COLNAME% #c68#»#c54#×#c68#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Yellow=#c70#»#c56#×#c70#« %COLNAME% #c70#»#c56#×#c70#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Orange=#c71#»#c57#×#c71#« %COLNAME% #c71#»#c57#×#c71#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Red=#c72#»#c58#×#c72#« %COLNAME% #c72#»#c58#×#c72#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Pink=#c74#»#c60#×#c74#« %COLNAME% #c74#»#c60#×#c74#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Violet=#c75#»#c61#×#c75#« %COLNAME% #c75#»#c61#×#c75#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=Ocean=#c65#»#c51#×#c65#« %COLNAME% #c65#»#c51#×#c65#« #c52#%COLTEXT%
FormatMsg=White=#c9#»#c1#×#c9#« %COLNAME% #c9#»#c1#×#c9#« #c52#%COLTEXT%

//---> Usage of DefaultAccess: <---
// DefaultAccess=[Access]=[FormatMsg]


//####################### Don't forget to replace the default #
//## !!! IMPORTANT !!! ## logins by something else because #
//####################### I'm not responsible of the results #

//---> Usage of Password: <---
// Password=[The user password]=[Access]=[FormatMsg]=
//The is optionnal

//Boss Login
Password=BossLogin=Boss=Red=#c51#Here is the boss!!!

//Bot Login

//Admin Login
Password=AdminLogin=Admin=Yellow=#c51#Yeah!!!! An admin!!!

//Moderator Login
Password=ModeratorLogin=Moderator=Green=#c51#Someone is checking you!!!
the replace addon containing Block & Replace
Quote :
//If an user contain the word shit in the username, ZCS will block that user

//All sentenses containing the word "sexxx" will be blocked

//If ZCS detect "Shit" everywhere in the sentense, shit will be replaced by "Shizzle"

//If ZCS detect the word "poop", that word will be replaced by "brown object"
Replaceword=poop=brown object
the other texts info like fancy entry etc
Quote :
//You can change the winmx default entry messages by those
FancyEntryMsg=#c51#%RAWNAME% #c9#has entered
FancyEntryMsgIP=#c1#________________________________________#\n##c51#%RAWNAME% #c9#(#c51#%LINE% %FILES% files#c9#)#\n##c9#IP: #c51#%IP% #c9#/ #c51#%HOSTNAME%#\n##c9#Node: #c51#%PRIMIP%#c9#:#c51#%PRIMUDPPORT%#\n##c9#Connection: #c51#%CONNECTION%#\n##c9#Client: #c51#%CLIENTNAME% [%CLIENTVERSION%]#\n##c1#¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

//When ZCS receives the infos about the client, it will show this to allowed users ("E" access is required to see this message)
ClientMSG=#c9#[Client] #c51#%RAWNAME% #c9#is using #c51#%CLIENTNAME% #c9#[#c51#%CLIENTVERSION%#c9#]

//Rename message when someone change his name ("e" access is required to see this message)
RenameMSG=#c9#[Rename] #c51#%OLDRAWNAME% #c9#renamed to: #c51#%NEWRAWNAME%

//Exit message when someone left the room ("X" access is required to see this message)
ExitMSG=#c9#[Exit] #c51#%RAWNAME% #c9#[#c51#%IP%#c9#]#\n##c9#Stay time: #c51#%STAYTIME%

//ZCS will tell you if other users are using the same IP ("i" access is required to see this message)
SameIPMSG=#c9#[SameIP] #c51#%IP% #c9#is also used by #c51#%RAWNAME%

//You can modify the opmsg, admsg and action message
FormatOpMsg=#c9#[OpMsg]#c8#<%NAME%> #c1#%RAWTEXT%
FormatAdMsg=#c9#[AdMsg]#c8#<%NAME%> #c9#%RAWTEXT%
FormatAction=#c3#%NAME% %TEXT%
Here is a list of commands you can use:
    /Login - To login in the room
    /Logout - To get default access
    /ZCS - To see the version of ZCS
    /ChannelName - To see the channelname
    /ForceLogin - To login someone else
    /Message - To send a private message to someone
    /Notice - To send a notice to the room
    /Say - To speak with the name of someone else
    /SayAll - All users will say the message
    /PrivNotice - To send a private notice to someone
    /Hide - /Hide - To hide yourself or someone else
    /HideCmd - To hide a command
    /Mute - /Unvoice - To mute someone
    /Voice - /Unmute - To voice someone
    /Bot - To enable or disable bot mode
    /Colour - To see the available colors
    /SetColour - To set yourself a text color
    /SetFormat - To set a format to someone
    /Access - /Level - To see your current access
    /SetAccess - To set an access to someone
    /AddAccess - To add an access to someone (Only one character is allowed)
    /RemAccess - To remove an access to someone (Only one character is allowed)
    /Motd - To see the Motd
    /Topic - To see the topic
    /SetTopic - To set a topic
    /Limit - To set a limit of users on ZCS
    /Ban - To ban someone
    /BanIP - To ban an IP
    /ClearBans - To clear the list of banned users
    /UnBan - To unban someone or an IP
    /ListBans - To see all banned users
    /KickBan - To kick and ban someone
    /Kick - To Kick someone
    /KickIP - To kick all users using the IP
    /Stats - To see channel stats
    /Stats - To see user stats
    /Peers - To see all peers connected by ZCS
    /Who - To see the list of users with infos
    /Accesses - /Levels - To see all access letters
    /Help - To see this list
    /Exile - To send an user to another room
    /Redirect - To redirect all users to another channel
    /Reload - To reload the configuration
    /Online - To show the room from the WPN
    /Offline - To hide the room from the WPN
    /Opmsg (/ ) - Operator message requires O access level
    /Admsg (//) - Admin message requires A access level
    /me or /Action - action/emote message
    #\n# or #NEWLINE# - Newline

Last edited by Max™ on Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:46 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : updated with last betta v1.05.1 RC)
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